Online Registration Forms

To complete a recommendation form for one of your students for the IMEA Future Music Educators Colloquium, please provide the information requested below:

Teacher Contact Information
Teacher First Name
Teacher Last Name
Preferred Email
Preferred Phone

School Information - Please Enter the Information Below
School Name
School Address:

Student Information
Please fill out the this recommendation form separately for each student.
Student First Name
Student Last Name
Student Personal Email
(avoid school email if possible)

Teacher Recommendation
The space below has been provided for you to write a recommendation for the student you named above.  Please be as complete with your comments as possible.  The selection committee will take these comments seriously when selecting applicants to take part in this activity.

We strongly encourage you to write this recommendation in a word processor, save it, then copy and paste it into the space provided below. Should you then have to fill this form out again for any reason, you will have your text to paste into the form again without having to rewrite the recommendation.

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