Online Conference Application Forms

Conference Session Proposal

IMEA wants to plan a conference that meets your needs. We also want to showcase sessions that feature the best practices in music education. Submitted session proposals will be evaluated and chosen by the 2026 IMEA Conference Planning Committee in Spring 2025.

Below you will find the online session proposal form for the Indiana Music Education Association Professional Development Conference. All requested information is required for the proposal to be accepted, so please be sure to complete all fields of the form before continuing to the next page. Please fill out the fields below as you would want them listed in our conference app.

Presenter Information - * = required information
Presenter's Title*
Presenter's First Name*
Presenter's Last Name*
Suffix (Jr., Sr., PhD, etc)
Zip Code*
Phone with area code*
Session Sponsor
NAfME Membership #
NAfME Exp Date

Headshot Upload:(optional at this time)
Below you are able to upload your headshot photo. This file can be either a JPG, GIF, PNG, or PDF file and must be no larger than 10 MB in size. If possible, please have the photo be at 300 dpi or higher.

Presenter Professional Biography Information (50 word max per section please)
Current Institution Affiliation*
Current Position Held*
Previous position and institution
Any acheivements or recognitions

Presenter Brief Biography (200 words or less)*

Word Count: 0

Academic background (include degrees and from which institution the degree was received):*

Other professional and/or educational affiliations:


Please provide a name, job title, and email address for any co-presenters you will have for this session.

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